About Me

Taha Naguib is an experience instructor devoted to make math more intuitive and fun for students, He has the Cache level 3 Diploma in specialist support for teaching and learning in school (QCF). Also, he got A* in

Math, IGCSE,2008 and AS in MAth,IGCSE,2009.For more than 10 years , he has supported jobs hiring near me hundreds of international students in maths,starting year 1,He has also created numerous of maths resources to help students to grasp math concepts.

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Year 1

Taha Academy offers hundreds of year 1 maths skills to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall  and choose a skill that looks interesting! Numbers and counting up to 3 A.1  Learn to count to 3 A.2  Count to 3 A.3  Count using stickers - up to 3 A.4  Count on ten frames - up to 3 A.5  Show numbers on ten frames - up to 3 A.6  Represent numbers - up to 3 Numbers and counting up to 5 B.1...

Year 2

Taha Academy offers hundreds of year 2 maths skills to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall  and choose a skill that looks interesting! Counting and number patternsCounting and number patterns A.1 Counting review - up to 10 A.2 Count to fill a ten frame A.3 Counting review - up to 20 A.4 Counting tens and ones - up to 30 A.5 Count on ten frames - up to 40 A.6 Counting by tens - up to 100 A.7 Counting...

Year 3

Taha Academy offers hundreds of year 3 maths skills to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall  and choose a skill that looks interesting! Counting and number patterns A.1  Skip-counting by 2, 5 and 10 A.2  Skip-counting by 4 A.3  Skip-counting by 8 A.4  Skip-counting by 100 A.5  Skip-counting sequences A.6  Skip-counting stories A.7  Skip-counting puzzles A.8  Number lines - up to 100 A.9  Counting patterns - up to 100 A.10  Hundred chart A.11  Number lines - up to 1,000 A.12  Counting patterns - up...

Year 4

Taha Academy offers hundreds of year 4 maths skills to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall  and choose a skill that looks interesting!  Numbers and comparing A.1 Even or odd A.2 Even or odd: arithmetic rules A.3 Skip-counting by 6 A.4 Skip-counting by 7 A.5 Skip-counting by 9 A.6 Skip-counting puzzles A.7 Number sequences A.8 Ordinal numbers to 100th A.9 Write numbers in words ...


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